Online Store Rules and Regulations
- 1 Preliminary Provisions
- UADO Online Store available at is managed by Aleksandra Stodółka, conducting business activity under the company name Aleksandra Stodółka UADO, entered into the CEIDG (Central Registration and Information on Business) kept by the competent minister for economy, NIP (Tax ID No.): 684 232 58 17, REGON (National Business Registry No.): 366372301.
- These Rules and Regulations apply both to the Consumers and to the Entrepreneurs using the Store and determine the rules of using the Online Store and the rules and mode of concluding remote Sales Contracts with the Customer via the Store.
- 2 Definitions
- Seller – natural person conducting business activity under the company name Aleksandra Stodółka UADO, entered into the CEIDG (Central Registration and Information on Business) kept by the competent minister for economy, NIP (Tax ID No.): 684 232 58 17, REGON (National Business Registry No.): 366372301.
- Store – online store managed by the Seller at
- Customer – every entity making purchases via the Store.
- Consumer – natural person concluding a contract with the Seller as part of the Store activity, the subject of which is not directly connected to their business or professional activity.
- Entrepreneur – natural person, legal person and organisational unit other than legal person, granted legal capacity by a separate act, conducting business activity on their own behalf, using the Store.
- Remote Contract – contract concluded with the Customer as part of the organised system of concluding remote contracts (as part of the Store activity) without simultaneous physical presence of the parties, with the exclusive use of one or more methods of remote communication until the moment of concluding the contract, inclusive.
- Rules and Regulations – these Rules and Regulations of the Store.
- Order – declaration of intent of the Customer placed via the Order Form and aimed directly at concluding an Item(s) Sales Contract with the Seller.
- Account – account of the Customer in the Store recording the data provided by the Customer and the information regarding the Orders they placed within the Store.
- Registration Form – form available within the Store enabling registration of the Account.
- Order Form – interactive form available within the store enabling placing an Order, specifically by adding Items to a Basket, and defining the conditions of a Sales Contract, including the methods of delivery and payment.
- Basket – Store software component, displaying the Items selected by the Customer for purchasing, and enabling defining the modifying the Order data, specifically the number of Items.
- Item – a movable good/service available in the Store being the subject of the Sales Contract concluded between the Customer and the Seller.
- Sales Contract – Item sales contract concluded by the Customer and the Seller via the Online Store. The Sales Contract is also understood as – appropriately to the features of the Item – contract for the provision of services and contract for specific work.
- 3 Contacting the Store
- Address of the Seller: Aleksandra Stodółka, ul.Ludwinowska 11/174, 30-033 Kraków, Poland.
- Email of the Seller:
- Telephone number of the Seller:(+48) 608 007 885. The Customer can contact the Seller via telephone on working days, 09:00 a.m. – 05:00 p.m.
- Bank account number of the Seller: 91 1140 2004 0000 3602 7664 3692.
- The Customer can contact the Seller using the addresses and telephone numbers provided in this paragraph.
- 4 Technical Requirements
Using the Store, including browsing the Store’s offer and placing orders for the Items, requires:
- User’s device with access to the Internet and an Internet browser like Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome.
- Active email account.
- Enabled cookie files support.
- Installed FlashPlayer software.
- 5 General Information
- The Seller, in the broadest legally acceptable scope, shall not be liable for any interference, including interruptions, in the functioning of the Store caused by Force Majeure, illegal actions of third parties or incompatibility of the Online Store with the technical infrastructure of the Customer.
- Browsing through the Store’s offer does not require registering an Account. Placing orders by the Customer for the Items offered by the Store is possible either after registering an Account, pursuant to the provisions of § 6 of the Rules and Regulations, or by providing the required personal data and address details enabling the fulfilment of the Order without registering an Account.
- The prices displayed in the Store are gross amounts in PLN.
- The final amount to be paid by the Customer comprises of the Item price and the delivery cost (including transportation, delivery and post services fees), and the Customer is informed about it on the Store pages when placing an Order, and also on confirmation of the intent to conclude a Sales Contract.
- 6. Registering a Store Account
- To register a Store Account, one must fill out the Registration Form. It is necessary to provide the following data: email, name, surname.
- Registering a Store Account is free of charge.
- Logging in the Account takes place by typing in login and password provided in the Registration Form.
4.The Customer can, at any moment, without giving reason or paying any fees, delete the Account by sending an appropriate demand to the Seller, specifically via email or in written form, to the addresses provided in § 3.
- 7. Placed Orders
To place an order:
- Select an Item being the subject of the Order, and then click the “Add to basket” button (or equivalent).
- Display the content of the basket.
- Log in.
- Select delivery address.
- Select delivery options and accept terms and conditions.
- Select one of the available payment methods and confirm the order.
- Depending on the payment method, pay for the order within the specific time limit.
- 8. Method of Delivery and Payment
- The Customer can use the following methods of delivery and reception of the ordered Item:
- Delivery by post, COD (Cash On Delivery) delivery by post,
- Courier delivery, COD courier delivery,
- Personal pick-up at the Seller’s address.
- The Customer can use one of the following payment methods:
- Payment by cash on pick-up.
- COD (Cash On Delivery).
- Wire transfer to the Seller’s account.
- 9. Performance of the Contract
- The Sales Contract is concluded by and between the Customer and the Seller after the Customer has filed an order via the Form in the Online Store, pursuant to § 7 of the Rules and Regulations.
- After the Order has been filed, the Seller confirms its reception, and, at the same time, accepts the Order for fulfilment. Confirmation of receiving an Order and its acceptance for fulfilment shall take place by the Seller sending the Customer an appropriate email message to the email address of the Customer provided when filing the Order, including at least the statement of the Seller on receiving the Order and its acceptance for fulfilment, and the confirmation of the conclusion of the Sales Contract. As of the reception of the aforementioned email message by the Customer, the Sales Contract is concluded by and between the Customer and the Seller.
- If the Customer selects:
- wire transfer, electronic payment or payment by card, the Customer is obliged to make the payment within 7 calendar days from the conclusion of the Sales Contract – otherwise the order shall be cancelled.
- COD (Cash On Delivery), the Customer is obliged to make the payment on reception of the delivery.
- Payment by cash on personal pick-up, the Customer is obliged to make the payment on pick-up of the package within 7 days from receiving the information on the package being ready for pick-up.
- If the Customer selects a different method of delivery than personal pick-up, the Item shall be sent by the Seller on the day indicated in the description (with the reservation of section 5 of this paragraph), in accordance with the method selected by the Customer on filing the Order.
- The beginning of the time of delivery of the Item to the Customer is determined as follows:
- If the Customer has selected payment by wire transfer, electronic payment or payment by card – from the day of crediting the Seller’s bank account.
- If the Customer has selected COD (Cash On Delivery) – from the day of conclusion of the Sales Contract.
- If the Customer has selected personal pick-up of the Item, the Item shall be ready for pick-up by the Customer on the date indicated in the Item’s description. The Customer shall be additionally informed by the Seller about the Item being ready for pick-up in an appropriate email message sent to the email address of the Customer provided when filing the Order.
- In the case of ordering Items with different readiness for pick-up dates, the readiness for pick-up date shall be the latest of the provided dates.
- The Item can be delivered only within Poland.
- 10. Right of Rescission of Contract
- The Consumer can rescind the Sales Contract within 14 days without giving any reason.
- The period defined in section 1 starts on the delivery of the Item to the Consumer or to the person indicated by the Consumer other than the carrier.
- In the case of a Contract for multiple Items delivered separately, in batches or in parts, the period indicated in section 1 starts on the delivery of the last item, batch or part.
- In the case of a Contract requiring regular deliveries of Items for a specific time (subscription), the period indicated in section 1 starts on receiving the first of items.
- The Consumer can rescind a Contract by submitting to the Seller a statement of rescission of Contract. To keep the deadline for the rescission of Contract it is enough for the Consumer to send the statement before the end of this period.
- The statement can be submitted via traditional post, fax or electronically, by sending the statement to the email address of the Seller or by submitting the statement via the website of the Seller – the Seller’s contact details have been provided in § 3. The statement can be also submitted via the form, the template of which constitutes Appendix No. 1 to these Rules and Regulations, and the appendix to the Act of 30th May of 2014 on the rights of consumers, however, it is not obligatory.
- If the Consumer has sent the statement electronically, the Seller shall immediately send to the provided Consumer’s email address the confirmation of receiving the statement on rescission of Contract.
- Consequences of rescission of Contract:
- In the case of rescission of a Remote Contract, the Contract is considered not concluded.
- In the case of rescission of Contract, the Seller immediately returns to the Consumer, not later than within 14 days from receiving the Consumer’s statement of rescission of Contract, all the payments made by them, including the costs of delivering items, with the exclusion of any additional costs resulting from the method of delivery selected by the Consumer and other than the least expensive normal method of delivery offered by the Seller.
- The Seller shall return the payments using the same methods of payment as used by the Consumer in the original transaction, unless the Consumer has agreed to other solutions, which do not generate other costs for them.
- The Seller can withhold the return of payments until getting back the Item or until provided a proof of sending it back, whichever occurs first.
- The Consumer should immediately send back the Item to the Seller’s address provided in these Rules and Regulations, not later than within 14 days from the day of informing the Seller of rescission of Contract. The deadline shall be kept if the Consumer send back the Item before the end of the 14-day period.
- The Consumer shall bear the direct costs of returning the Item, also the costs of returning the Item if, due to its nature, the Item could not have been returned by post in a normal mode.
- The Consumer is liable only for decreasing the value of the Item resulting from using it in a way other than necessary to conclude the nature, features and functioning of the Item.
- 11. Complaints
- A complaint can be filed by the Customer: in a written form delivered to the Seller’s address, in an electronic format via email sent to the Seller’s email.
- The Customer shall provide the following information in the description of the complaint:
a. the circumstances concerning the subject of complaint, the type and date of identifying a fault;
b. the expected corrective actions: repair, declaration of accepting a discount, rescission of the Sales Contract; - contact details of the person filing a complaint.
- The Customer shall send the faulty item to the Seller’s address.
- The Seller shall immediately take a position regarding the Customer’s complaint, not later than within 14 calendar days from filing the complaint. The date of filing a complaint shall be understood as the date of delivering an item to the Seller’s seat.
- The amounts paid for items being the subjects of complaints and returned due to damages or faults, if any have been confirmed, shall be returned in full, including the costs of delivery resulting from the delivery of such goods and the costs of returning them incurred by the Buyer in the Online Store.
- 12. Extrajudicial Methods of Considering Complaints
1.Detailed information regarding the possibility for the Consumer to use extrajudicial methods of considering complaints and asserting claims, as well as the rules of accessing these procedures are available in the seats and on websites of poviat (city) consumer ombudsmen, social organisations, the statute tasks of which include protecting consumers, Voivodeship Trade Inspection Inspectorates, and at the following URLs of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection:; and
- The Consumer has the following exemplary possibilities of using extrajudicial methods of considering complaints and asserting claims:
- The Consumer is entitled to turn to a permanent amicable consumer court, described in art. 37 of the Act of 15th December 2000 on trade inspection (Journal of Laws from 2014, item 148, as amended), with an application for the settlement of a dispute resulting from the Contract concluded with the Seller.
- The Consumer is entitled to turn to the voivodeship inspector of Trade Inspection, pursuant to art. 36 of the Act of 15th December 2000 on trade inspection (Journal of Laws from 2014, item 148, as amended), with an application for the initiation of mediation proceedings regarding amicable settlement of the dispute between the Consumer and the Seller.
- The Consumer can obtain free-of-charge help regarding settling a dispute between them and the Seller, using also free-of-charge help of the poviat (city) consumer ombudsman or a social organisation, the statute tasks of which include protecting consumers (i.a. Federacja Konsumentów (Federation of Consumers), Stowarzyszenie Konsumentów Polskich (Polish Consumer Association)).
- 13. Personal Data
1.The Seller is the Controller of Customers’ personal data recorded via the Online Store.
2.Personal Data of Customers collected by the Controller via the Online Store is recorded for the purpose of performing a Sales Contract, and, if the Customer agrees – also for marketing purposes.
3.The recipients of personal data of Online Store Customers can be as follows:
- In the case of a Customer using postal delivery or courier delivery methods in the Online Store, the Controller provides the recorded personal data of the Customer to the selected carrier or intermediary performing delivery services by order of the Controller.
- In the case of a Customer using electronic payment or card payment in the Online Store, the Controller provides the recorded personal data of the Customer to the selected entity servicing the aforementioned payment methods in the Online Store.
- The Customer is entitled to access their personal data and to correct it.
- Providing personal data is voluntary, however, failure to provide the personal data indicated in the Rules and Regulations necessary to conclude a Sales Contract renders conclusion of such a contract impossible.
- 14. Information for persons visiting the website:
The Controller of your data is Aleksandra Stodółka, ul. Ludwinowska 11/174, 30-033 Kraków, Poland, conducting business activity under the company name Aleksandra Stodółka UADO,
The Controller can be contacted via email or via telephone under the number (+48) 608 007 885.
Your data shall be processed to enable browsing the website. The legal basis for the processing is the necessity for the performance of a contract provided electronically.
The processing shall include the following personal data: name and surname, address, telephone number, email.
Your personal data shall be processed during your visit on the website and in cookie files for ten years. The period of storing personal data can be in each case extended for the period of expiration of claims if personal data processing is necessary for asserting potential claims or for the purpose of defence against such claims by the Controller.
As your data is processed in an automated manner based on a contract – you are entitled to transfer personal data, which you provided to the Controller, i.e. receive from the Controller your personal data in a structured, universally used machine-readable format. You can send this data to a different data controller.
You are entitled to access your data and to demand correcting, deleting or limiting its processing. Additionally, you are entitled to object to processing your personal data.
You are entitled to file a complaint with a supervisory authority dealing with personal data protection in a Member State of your usual residence, work, or of committing the alleged violation. In Poland, the competent authority is the President of the Personal Data Protection Office.
Provision of personal data is voluntary.
- 15. Information for Persons Filling Out a Form and for the Registered Customers of the Online Store:
The Controller of your data is Aleksandra Stodółka, ul. Ludwinowska 11/174, 30-033 Kraków, Poland, conducting business activity under the company name Aleksandra Stodółka UADO,
The Controller can be contacted via email or via telephone under the number (+48) 608 007 885.
The processing will include the following personal data: name and surname, address, telephone number, email.
Your data shall be processed for the purpose of registering and servicing a customer account in the online store, accepting and fulfilling online orders, and delivering the ordered goods. The legal basis for the processing is the necessity for the performance of a contract.
Your personal data shall be processed throughout the term of the contract, until your account is deleted from the Online Store. The period of storing personal data can be in each case extended for the period of expiration of claims if personal data processing is necessary for asserting potential claims or for the purpose of defence against such claims by the Controller.
The legal basis for sending commercial information via email is the justified interest of the Controller in the form of ensuring their own marketing. After the termination of the contract, the Controller is entitled to process your data for the purpose of asserting claims and defending against them – the legal basis is also the justified interest of the Controller.
Data can be provided to Poczta Polska (Polish Post), courier company – for the purpose of fulfilling an order;
You are entitled to access your data and to demand correcting, deleting or limiting its processing.
As your data is processed in an automated manner based on a contract – you are entitled to transfer personal data, which you provided to the Controller, i.e. receive from the Controller your personal data in a structured, universally used machine-readable format. You can send this data to a different data controller.
In the scope of the legal basis for processing your personal data being the premise of legally justified interest of the Controller, you are entitled to file objection to processing your personal data, i.e. you are entitled to object to processing data.
You are entitled to file a complaint with a supervisory authority dealing with personal data protection in a Member State of your usual residence, work, or of committing the alleged violation. In Poland, the competent authority is the President of the Personal Data Protection Office.
Providing personal data for marketing communication is voluntary.
Providing personal data to register an account and then place orders is necessary for the conclusion and performance of the Contract – without providing personal data the conclusion of the Contract shall be impossible.
- 16. Information for Unregistered Customers of the Online Store Making Purchases:
The Controller of your data is Aleksandra Stodółka, ul. Ludwinowska 11/174, 30-033 Kraków, Poland, conducting business activity under the company name Aleksandra Stodółka UADO,
The Controller can be contacted via email or via telephone under the number (+48) 608 007 885.
The processing shall include the following personal data: name and surname, address, telephone number, email.
Your data shall be processed to accept and fulfil online orders and to deliver ordered goods. The legal basis for the processing is the necessity for the performance of a contract.
Your personal data shall be processed throughout the term of the contract. The period of storing personal data can be in each case extended for the period of expiration of claims if personal data processing is necessary for investigating potential claims or for the purpose of defence against such claims by the Controller.
The legal basis for sending commercial information via email is the justified interest of the Controller in the form of ensuring their own marketing. After the termination of the contract, the Controller is entitled to process your data for the purpose of investigating claims and defending against them – the legal basis is also the justified interest of the Controller.
Data can be provided to Poczta Polska (Polish Post), courier company – for the purpose of fulfilling an order;
You are entitled to access your data and to demand correcting, deleting or limiting its processing.
As your data is processed in an automated manner based on a contract – you are entitled to transfer personal data, which you provided to the Controller, i.e. receive from the Controller your personal data in a structured, universally used machine-readable format. You can send this data to a different data controller.
In the scope of the legal basis for processing your personal data being the premise of legally justified interest of the Controller, you are entitled to object to processing your personal data.
You are entitled to file a complaint with a supervisory authority dealing with personal data protection in a Member State of your usual residence, work, or of committing the alleged violation. In Poland, the competent authority is the President of the Personal Data Protection Office.
Providing personal data to place orders is necessary for the conclusion and performance of the Contract – without providing personal data the conclusion of the Contract shall be impossible.
- 17. Final Provisions
- The contracts concluded by the Online Store shall be concluded in Polish.
- The Seller reserves the right to amend the Rules and Regulations due to important issues, i.e.: changed legal regulations, changed methods of payment and delivery – in the scope they influence the performance of the provisions of these Rules and Regulations. The Seller shall inform the Customer about every amendment observing at least 7-day notice period.
- In the cases of issues not regulated by these Rules and Regulations, the generally applicable regulations of Polish law shall apply, specifically of: the Civil Code; the Act on providing services electronically; the Act on the rights of consumers, the Act on the protection of personal data.
- The Customer is entitled to use extrajudicial methods of considering complaints and asserting claims. For this purpose, they can file a complaint via the ODR EU Internet platform available at: